Finxflo and Yield App Collaborate to Introduce APYs to Users 400

Finxflo is a pioneer in providing crypto exchange and DeFi (Decentralized Finance) protocol aggregated solutions. It acts as a single pool where users can access several parameters like pricing, analysis, statistics, etc. And Yield is an app-based and web-based service provider that offers seamless technology to help users generate higher revenues through its DeFi-based solutions. These players have joined forces to introduce APYs (Annual percentage yield) to their users through the Yield app.
Finxflo announced the strategic partnership on its Twitter account as it mentioned that this alliance would diligently work to introduce the finest APYs to the user base. Further, both the partners took to their respective blogs to shed more light on the partnership deal. According to a blog posted by the Yield app, Finxflo’s user base will have access to cutting-edge APYs provided by the Yield app through Finxflo’s interface. This development took shape just as the YIELD app went live earlier this month with its beta-supported web platform. Earlier this week, YIELD also announced that it had reached 10,000 users, and 30% hold YLD tokens.
Finxflo also expressed its optimism on the strategic collaboration via its blog. It stated that FinxFlo clients would benefit from gaining access to multiple trading strategies, which ultimately result in them earning higher APYs. It also mentioned that this would lead to revenue generation for both the YIELD as well as the crypto space in its entirety. The blog also sheds light on the partners’ recent moves that aim to take a strategic approach to expand their presence in the regulated space.
YEILD’s blog revealed that the partnership would open a new window of opportunity for Finxflo’s users to earn a maximum of 20% on stable coins. Tim Frost, CEO of YIELD, expressed his excitement and mentioned that this partnership would deliver cutting-edge DeFi-solutions on a global scale. James Gillingham, CEO at Finxflo, mentioned that this development took place as both market leaders were heading towards licensing their respective solutions. He also mentioned that this alliance would help Finxflo’s global reputation.