Cryptocurrency Exchange

Cryptocurrency Exchange Bvnex of Vietnam to enlist Dash

Cryptocurrency exchange of Vietnam Bvnex has added crypto-asset Dash to their exchange. Dash is added with trading pair Dong, the fiat currency of Vietnam. As per the declaration made by the Dash Thailand on 4th September.

As per the business development group of Dash, the inauguration will happen on 14th September. This will also include facilitation of the digital currency so that transaction may take place faster.

According to CoinMarketCap Dash is ranked #17 and the total market capitalization value of Dash is $729.153 million. The InstandSend app of Dash can send all the transactions automatically. But the exchanges still have to recognize the speed of transaction so that they do not add unnecessary confirmation time for the acknowledgment of the transaction.

Previously Dash required ten confirmation for the acknowledgment of any deposit, but this is not necessary after the launch of InstaSend. BVnex presently does not impose any trading fees on the traders but deducts 0.002 Dash as withdrawal charges.

A few days back Dash has also got enlisted on The feature that separates Dash from the rest of the projects is its user-friendly interface. The retail investors have supported this digital asset for a long time.

The business development division of Dash has put a great effort to add it to numerous exchanges. Because of their effort, it has got added by exchanges of many countries across the world with local fiat currency as trading pair.

The ability of Dash to move directly to local currency has removed the adoption barrier. It has made it easier for the consumer to purchase goods for everyday needs.

The exchanges like Cubobit and Cincola are helping the people of Nigeria to move directly between local currency and Dash, thus saving their time and money. These exchanges are making Dash more appealing to the traders.

The exchanges are adding Dash facilitate feature of Dash as it can help the potential user to use the digital currency for their day to day expenses.

In Vietnam, Dash is also getting accepted by many direct merchants like pharmaceuticals and parking. This further helps in the liquidity of Dash, thus making it useful for the individuals for their day to day use than other cryptocurrencies.


Jason Palmer

Jason Palmer joined CoinNewsSpan as an editor and analyst. He has over five years of experience as a forex analyst. He holds a master's degree in business administration with specialization in finance. He is actively involved in analyzing the prevalent crypto trends. He has a keen interest in commodities and forex trading.

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