Crypto industry gives $78M to 2024 pro-innovation candidates

The cryptocurrency industry’s ability to change and democratize America’s financial system is dependent on the election of candidates who advocate for sensible regulations. Only 9% of Americans are content with the status quo. The cryptocurrency sector has launched an appeal campaign for more than $78 million to support the 52 million Americans who own digital currencies, as well as citizens around the country who want a fair shot at inheriting this country’s wealth.
Electing candidates and enacting policies that support responsible, fair rules for cryptocurrencies are crucial for the future of cryptocurrency in the United States. This is particularly true as a check on appointed regulators who have adopted a regulation-by-enforcement approach. This methodology obfuscates regulatory clarity to the detriment of ordinary Americans while also relocating employment, economic activity, and innovation overseas.
The cryptocurrency community, whose influence is well-known across the globe, has significantly increased its monetary contributions since realizing this was a critical situation. With a current fundraising total of over $78 million, Fairshake Super PAC is among a collection of national crypto organizations. The funding is contributed by twenty industry leaders and corporations.
The objective is to offer support to bipartisan candidates who pledge their support to cryptocurrency during the 2024 elections. This substantial financial investment aims to level the playing field for the 52 million American digital asset owners whose assets are held in high-risk offshore accounts.
The substantial contribution of over $78 million has been facilitated by a consortium of cryptocurrency enterprises and individuals who are fervently committed to the ethical advancement of digital currency. Prominent contributors to the compilation comprise Andreessen Horowitz, Ark, Brian Armstrong, Blockchain Capital, and many more.
The crypto community may not be able to achieve its goals alone despite super PACs’ transparent campaigning. Voters and those who voice their thoughts give democratic nations the energy and drive to make a difference. Stand with Crypto, a grassroots organization we proudly support, is seeking 1 million members for future action.
A grassroots campaign called Stand with Crypto is aiming to gather one million members by the 2024 elections so that there can be a strong demonstration in favor of responsible and equitable policy. More than twenty percent of the way toward its objective—215,000 advocates—have signed up in the four months since inception.