Categories: Blockchain News

Horizon Protocol Announces Its Merger With Chainlink Keepers

Horizon Protocol is most enthusiastic and takes great pleasure in announcing its coming together and joining hands with Chainlink Keepers on the BNB Chain mainnet.

This union will help and aid in the propulsion of Horizon Protocol to correctly and successfully automate the system related to the proper and measured allotment of its exchange fees, as also the staling rewards to HZN stakers, in a more secure, timely, and cost effective way, to make functioning smoother, convenient, and thoroughly effective.

Chainlink is the benchmark for all activities related to the creation, the correct evaluation and putting out on sale, oracle services that are much required to help make hybrid smart contracts, which could exist on just about any blockchain, to be more streamlined.

Currently, Chainlink is entirely responsible for the complete security of an amount over billions of dollars. This involves DeFi, the insurance and gaming sector, and other important enterprises, who receive an entry point and successfully connect to all the blockchains.

On the other hand, Horizon Protocol is a protocol of DeFi, engaged in activities related to the distribution and in all trading matters of undetermined and unaccounted assets. It also aids in the transference of products from conventional financial marketplaces to DeFi, the arena constituting decentralized finance. 

Therefore, considering every factor, this important amalgamation between Horizon Protocol and Chainlink Keepers will open the doors and lead the way ahead in decentralizing Horizon Protocol, thus enabling Chainlink Keepers to make weekly reward allotments. Overall, the user will ultimately be the biggest beneficiary in all connected aspects.

Erica Lee

Erica is a finance professional who has over a decade of experience in the finance sector as a management consultant. After years of reporting on forex, stock markets, and finance, she now contributes her strong financial skills with the CoinNewsSpan team. Since 2014, she has been deeply involved in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. She believes that blockchain technology has tremendous potential to make our lives better.

Published by
Erica Lee