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Microsoft Introduces First Decentralized Open Source Project ION on Bitcoin Blockchain

Microsoft, the giant technological company, always brings innovate products and features to its customers.  Microsoft always keeps its services upgraded and gives the best to its customers. Now, Microsoft is developing another project and will be the first decentralized open source project of the world. The project is basically known as ION and will be launched directly on Bitcoin blockchain. As of now, Alpha testing is been carried out on ION project and expected to be launched soon.

Microsoft’s blockchain engineering team project manager, Yorke Rhodes informed the source that the Microsoft development team was working on ION project for over a year now.

Let’s first know what ION is and then move with the later part of the project. Microsoft ION project is usually a public network mostly for decentralized identification (DID). The ION’s goal is to develop software that verifies keys and signals them out. These keys will work on the public blockchain.

The ION project will deal with the underlying technology on how networks interact with each other. For instance, you can log in to a specific website by using your social accounts like Facebook, and with this technique, you can prove that you have the keys through which you can access your information and that too in a decentralized and fairway. By doing so, most of them would maintain the ownership of their data, and the solution allows them to decide whom to permit to use them.

The entire blockchain industry will be affected by Microsoft’s development, crypto expert, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) co-founder, Christopher Allen mentioned to a source. World Wide Web Consortium is a working team for DID (Decentralized Identity Solutions).

He added most of the organization infrastructures make use of Microsoft products, and if the organization integrates the solution within any infrastructure products, then they will have access to DID.

Whitepaper states that the objective behind the decentralized identity is that internet users can have their identity and personal data secured despite communicating to millions of users across the globe every-day. Adjusting the personal and identity data has resulted to lose funds and led for illegal access to the profiles of social media and Microsoft is the first tech company to make this modification by associating itself with various important payers of the industry.

One of the interesting things about DID systems is any organization, company or team do not govern it. In simple terms- no one has to right to manage and own PKI identifiers and entries, and no one can decide who can take part and who cannot.

Decentralized Identification needs no approval and executes the blockchain- Side tree protocol over Bitcoin as layer two.

Why Microsoft and Not Facebook

Microsoft Blockchain Engineering Head said that Facebook, the leading company which has millions of user profiles registered on its platform and manages the identities of users had not shown any interest in DIDs project and this certainly worries them.  However, the Wall Street Journal and others to have said that Facebook is currently towards developing its crypto coin for its platform.

Moreover, DID head of ConsenSys, Rouven Heck mentioned that Facebook had not taken part in most of the discussion relating to DIDs and on various occasion, Facebook had very little or nothing to speak over the matter.


Erica Lee

Erica is a finance professional who has over a decade of experience in the finance sector as a management consultant. After years of reporting on forex, stock markets, and finance, she now contributes her strong financial skills with the CoinNewsSpan team. Since 2014, she has been deeply involved in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. She believes that blockchain technology has tremendous potential to make our lives better.

Published by
Erica Lee