Blockchain News

InvestDex & Ferrum Network Form a Strategic Alliance

The Decentralized Financial system is revamping in unimaginable ways but has kept itself reserved. However, the system still has some reservations that have kept it away from expanding. But, there is still a solution. InvestDex has dedicated itself to improve DeFi in all aspects and take it to the level it truly deserves. This gave the idea of developing a new strategic partnership with Ferrum Network.

For the uninformed, Ferrum Network is an industry’s leading crypto incubator with a very fresh approach and vision regarding the incubation process. They have implemented a cross-chain solution for incubation that eradicates the requirement of permitting minimal transaction fees. In DeFi, the transaction cost is a major drawback, and holding the same has kept many people away from the same. InvestDex and Ferrum Network are collaborating to amplify strategies in almost all areas. They want to put in their best efforts to engulf the maximum support for long-term profitability.

Ferrum Network is developing a DeFi ecosystem by implementing a state-of-art cross-chain and superspeed solution for everyone. The ultimate goal of the company is to bring together people across the globe and encourage cryptocurrency adoption. They want all to see the true potential of cryptocurrency.

The project seeks to harness all the benefits of blockchain and amalgamate them into one network. This will make the one-roof solution for all advanced and average crypto users. Also, it offers a plethora of features and solutions like advanced incubators, staking for quick token utility, FAS anti-bit technology, and more. Furthermore, the users are allowed to trade in numerous cryptocurrencies at almost zero fees. This makes Ferrum a more viable alternative for DEX, Ethereum, and other counterparts.

It is an Unifyre wallet and thus allows seamless swaps and crypto transfers on any messenger app. In addition to that, the traders can earn generous returns on numerous support tokens with the help of the mobile DeFi feature.

Jason Palmer

Jason Palmer joined CoinNewsSpan as an editor and analyst. He has over five years of experience as a forex analyst. He holds a master's degree in business administration with specialization in finance. He is actively involved in analyzing the prevalent crypto trends. He has a keen interest in commodities and forex trading.

Published by
Jason Palmer